Friday 20 July 2012

Summer Prep

I keep hearing little whispers everywhere I go these days. The snippets of conversations that even as an "adult" still send little shivers of dread tumbling under my skin.

"Summer's almost over!" "Better start looking for all your back to school stuff now."

To be fair, when I hear this I'm normally in a shop like Old Navy or Apple (The sales department must be desperately trying to get rid of their summer inventory before the autumn wear shows up by the ton), but it still bothers me that people July seems to be the time when people start saying "summer's almost over." I wouldn't say the two-thirds marker is the time to start panicking about a back-to-school wardrobe, but the notion has still stirred me into action about my own preparedness.

Since my final year dissertation is about the history of Christian imagery in science fiction and horror films, I've decided my final year film will be a ghost story. I'm going about making images as I think of things.

This is the second idea I've come up with. The first being a redo of the first film I ever made. The second is about a man who thinks he's being haunted by the devil, but in reality it's his deceased tabby cat. My sister asked me what I was trying to say with the film, and I honestly don't know. The "deeper meaning" bit is always what stumps me when it comes to my own work. I'll post my progress on my final film here.

Also I've been casually doing a character design project with some friends of mine. Although I only have one turnaround done, I'm quite pleased with the results.

I'll post these up as they get done as well.

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